Should I share a flat for rent in London?
The majority of people residing in London are mainly living in flats. With the current financial crisis making it difficult for people to keep up with expenses, one way which you can save some money is by sharing your flat for rent in London.
The majority of people residing in London are mainly living in flats. With the current financial crisis making it difficult for people to keep up with expenses, one way which you can save some money is by sharing your flat for rent in London.
An average flat in London goes for about £100 per week. Depending on the area it could be higher or lower. For students especially, trying to take out a £100 per week on a regular basis and expecting to maintain other expenses can be quite a mounting task. One way around this is by sharing your flat, preferably with someone you already know. Not only will it help you save some money, but also provide some social company.
Choosing the right person to live with can sometimes be a difficult task. We recommend opting for someone you may know such as a close friend or family member. This helps ease the burden of the monthly rent that you will be paying and also gives you the chance to be able to have someone you can spend time and "Hang out" with.
There are some things you should keep in mind before opting to share a flat for rent in London. You should at least have a minimum double bedroom flat which creates the possibility of sharing with another person. A single bedroom flat will not be appropriate. You will have to get permission from the landlord who owns the flat, if he/she will allow you to share the room. Many should not have a problem with it, however some can be reluctant as there will be two people taking use of the facilities at the price of one. It is expected for them to slightly ask for more, however when divided equally amongst your self and your friend/relative, you will still be expected to save quite a bit.
Having someone to share a room with your self will not only help save costs in the monthly rental, but can also prove cost effective in other matters? These could include contributing a certain amount of weekly groceries, that could also help cut down on your expenses.
So if you are still deciding whether or not to share a flat for rent in London, the answer is apparent. However you could have a different opinion as some cultures and religions do not permit the sharing of a room especially if it is with the opposite sex.